CPD Unit Development Report of LISE
I. The development of CPD Unit in LISE
- CPD Unit was established as a part of Foreign Languages Department in LISE.
- A classroom was assigned to the CPD Unit which was fully equipped with the help of the project financing.
- The equipment was purchased as required and LET has been established in Foreign Languages Department of LISE.
- School management was informed about STAR project and the purpose of CPD Unit.
- CPD training programme was designed by STAR team members according to the Manual and the training in Zhanjiang Meeting.
- All the academic staff in Foreign Languages Department was informed of the STAR project, the establishment of CPD Unit, and the training.
- Totally 18 academic staff, including English, Japanese and College English teachers in Foreign Languages Department, was trained by the trainers who attended Zhanjiang meeting. The academic titles of the trainees vary from associate professor, lecturer to assistant.
- Training materials were made available for every trainee.
- Every teaching and research section in our department had a copy of the manual.
- More than 400 students got familiar with STAR project and learner-centered teaching during their classes offered by the academic staff in Foreign Languages Department.
- Now LISE is modifying course syllabus at institutional scope, so learner-centered teaching method is being added into syllabus of 47 courses in Foreign Languages Department.
- During the teaching reform in LISE, every teacher’s classroom teaching performance will be assessed by the Office of Academic Affairs. The standards of excellent classroom teaching offered by the Office of Academic Affairs also put emphasis on learner-centered teaching. Therefore, in order to perform well in the assessment, after the training, all the academic staff in Foreign Languages Department will adopt learner-centered teaching in their classes as part of their teaching method reform to improve classroom teaching quality.
II. The plan for further development
- Develop the training in Foreign Languages Department regularly.
- Implement the training programme at institutional scope.
- CPD Unit will open not only for the academic and administrative staff of LISE, but also for those in Bohai University.