可持续的以学习者为中心的教学——为格鲁吉亚和中国提供先进资源——STAR项目(2016 - 2019)的主要目的是通过实施以学习者为中心的教学方法以及为教学人员和行政人员的专业发展建立持续性专业发展中心的方式,支持合作伙伴国家(中国和格鲁吉亚)高等院校的发展。
Dissemination activities covers following:
Project conferences and meetings

Project promo materials
Project flyer
Interim Conference flyer
Manual of the learner centred teaching
The Learner-centred Teaching Manual (A Training Pack for University Teaching Staff) presents the outcomes of the Sustainable Learner-Centred Teaching – Advanced Recourse for Georgia and China (STAR). Project which brought together academic staff willing to exchange experience and expertise in the field of learner-centred instruction.
CPD Units - Training of administrative and academic staff
Presentation of the STAR Project at national and international level
(e.g. at conferences, workshops, seminars, university events, etc.)
Project Presentations - Conference
- 11th Bienniall Comparative Education Society of Asia Conference 2018 which was held on 11-12 May in Siem Reap, Cambodia – Shujie QU
- ICERI 2017 Conference – Ivana Marova
- Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press - LISE
Media coverage
- Zugdidi
- Uni of Georgia
- Sabauni
- Shanghai – project dissemination
- On May 8, "wenweipo" http://wenhui.whb.cn/zhuzhanapp/xue/20180508/197381.html?from=timeline%C3%97tamp=1525824702496
- On May 9, "Shanghai Educational News Network" http://www.shedunews.com/zixun/shanghai/gaodeng/2018/05/09/2094093.html
- On May 9, "Shanghai Educational TV Station"
- On May 11, "Pudong times" http://www.pdtimes.com.cn/html/2018-05/11/content_3_4.htm
- On May 11, "Shanghai science and technology news" http://www.duob.cn/pdfview/
- Conquing
- CNU news: 318 clicks http://news.cqnu.edu.cn/info/1011/8709.htm
- It was cited by mainstream website in China:
- China news: http://www.chinanews.com/gn/2017/07-06/8270837.shtml
- Sina China: http://news.sina.com.cn/o/2017-07-06/doc-ifyhvyie0385874.shtml
- CNU news: 318 clicks http://news.cqnu.edu.cn/info/1011/8709.htm
- Sina Hongkong: